Is Your Son's Brain Starving - Solving Behavior Issues with Nutrition

Is Your Son’s Brain Starving? Solving Behavior Issues with Nutrition

Overview: Did you know that boys have different nutritional needs than girls? Is your son’s brain starving? This information will help your son think more clearly with nutritional changes, not medication. PLUS, a list of mental and physical DHA deficiency symptoms.

Most of us are aware that boys and girls are different. They see things differently, they play differently and they think differently.

I was surprised to find out recently that boys also have different nutritional needs than do girls. Is your son’s brain starving?

Is Your Son's Brain Starving? - Solving Behavior Problems with Nutrition

I recently had the privilege of attending several seminars by Dianne Craft, who is a special education teacher and a nutritionist. Dianne shared some information with us that I had never heard before.

She told us that 60% of our brains are made of fat. Thirty percent of that fat is in the forebrain, which is made of DHA, an essential fatty acid. The only sources of DHA are fish oil and mother’s milk.

Diane told us that we all need healthy fats in our diets to make our brains function properly. The corpus collosum, which is the bundle of nerves that connects the right and left hemispheres, is made of fat. The myelin sheath which coats the nervous system is also made of fat.

The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 

Essential Fatty Acids

Boys have a 3 times higher need for essential fatty acids than do girls. Dianne believes this is because estrogen is a fatty carrier where testosterone is not. This also explains why it’s so much easier for men to lose weight than women.

What is an asset for weight loss, however, is not an asset for their brains. Some of our sons are suffering from brain starvation.

We Need to Eat Some Fat

Our modern diets are deficient in good fats. We are told to eat margarine instead of butter, egg beaters instead of eggs, skim milk instead of whole milk, and to stay away from nuts because they are high in fat.

A lack of essential fatty acids causes our bodies to become deficient in serotonin.

Serotonin has the following beneficial mental effects:

  • Creates a natural, antidepressant release in the body
  • Relaxes the mind
  • Instills a sense of well-being
  • Helps us handle stress
  • Keeps our mind focused
  • Promotes good sleep patterns
  • Helps us to have a positive outlook on life
  • Helps us control our impulses

Our society is becoming more and more deficient in serotonin. There are more people on anti-depressants than ever before. Children are being put on Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs at an alarming rate. Dianne informed us that Ritalin works by releasing serotonin in the body.

If parents knew that they could help to positively affect their child’s body chemistry in a more natural way, do you think they would elect to put their child on drugs which may have harmful side effects? I think not.

Your Path to Feeling Less Stressed Video Course

DHA Deficiency?

So, how do you know if your child is deficient in DHA?

Mental DHA Deficiency Symptoms include the following:

  • Hyperactivity
  • ADD
  • Impulsivity
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Sleep problems

Physical DHA Deficiency Symptoms include the following:

  • Dry hair
  • Dry skin
  • Cracks in ends of fingers
  • Chapped lips
  • Excessive thirst
  • Warts
  • Glare sensitivity
  • Poor vision

If your child exhibits any of the above mental and/or physical symptoms, they would be a great candidate for trying to increase their intake of essential fatty acids.

Is Your Son's Brain Starving - Solving Behavior Issues with Nutrition

The left hemisphere of our brain is where our judgment resides. It is the logical part of the brain. Our right hemisphere is where our emotion resides.

When boys aren’t using good judgment, they are having a difficult time accessing their left hemisphere. Sometimes, this is due to a lack of essential fatty acids. Information can’t travel across the corpus collosum if it isn’t nourished properly.

The solution is for us to fatten up their brains!

β†’ Related Content: Are Your Boys Big Eaters? Here are 6 Healthy Ways to Curb Appetites

Fatten Up Your Son’s Brain

So, how do we fatten up our boys’ brains? Dianne Craft recommends the following nutritional regimen:

1 – Increase their intake in EFA 

EFA stands for essential fatty acids, which are also known as polyunsaturated or “good fats.” There are two types:

  • Omega-6, which is found in raw nuts, seeds, legumes and unsaturated vegetable oils such as sesame.
  • Omega-3, which is found in flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and deep-water fish.

If your children don’t eat any of these foods, as mine don’t, you will want to get these nutrients from supplements. Exact supplements and dosages are detailed in Dianne’s Biology of Behavior CD set.

2 – Try to increase protein

Be sure your children eat protein throughout the day to help stabilize their mood. Try to make breakfast high in protein. These are good, higher protein choices:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Eggs and sausage
  • Use real butter
  • Use real mayonnaise
  • Use whole milk
  • Tuna and mayonnaise
  • Protein shakes
  • Smoothies with protein powder in them
  • Use real peanut butter (natural so it isn’t loaded with sugar)
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Have dinner for breakfast

Boys usually love to have lots of butter and mayonnaise on their food because they’re craving the fat. These condiments help to balance their body chemistry.

3 – Try to limit sugar and sugary carbs

Sugar tears down the adrenal gland which drains our energy and causes us to go into fight or flight mode much too easily. You don’t want to become the food police; however, try to do what you can to lessen the amount of sugar they’re eating.

Fill them up with protein-rich, fatty foods instead and they won’t have as much room for the sugar. By the way, carbs such as cereal, waffles, pancakes, etc. make us tired so it is best to eat them at night.

Should I Medicate My Child?

While some children do require medications in order to change their body chemistry, there are also children who do not. Try making one change per week to your son’s diet and watch the results.

Having the right essential fatty acids in your child’s brain will literally change their body chemistry. You may be amazed at the positive changes that you observe in your son.

Our family has been following these and other tips from Dianne for several months and we’ve definitely noticed a difference in all of us. We are all calmer, we are sleeping better, and there seems to be a lot less anxiety around our house.

Want to Know More about Dianne’s Resources?

Dianne has many other excellent suggestions as well! For more information, check out Dianne Craft’s website. I would also highly recommend purchasing her Biology of Behavior CD set.

And if you have a child who struggles with focusing, paying attention or has sensory issues, I have some wonderful nutritional advice from Dianne for helping with those problems as well.

And she also taught us some great advice for if we have a smart child who absolutely hates the physical act of writing! Be sure to check out those blog posts as well.

Could Heavy Metals Be the Problem?

As we’ve discussed, our brains are made up of fat and they require fat in order to function properly. If your child is consuming plenty of healthy fats and is still struggling, he may have a large dose of heavy metals in his body.

Heavy metals are attracted to fat and we are exposed to them on a regular basis in the following ways:

  • Amalgams (silver fillings)
  • Dental work such as braces
  • Vaccines
  • Steroid shots
  • Food cooked in aluminum pots and foil
  • Mercury from seafood
  • Arsenic from rice
  • Lead from broth cooked with bones from conventionally raised animals
  • Contrast from MRIs
  • Environmental pollution
  • Antibiotics
  • Cosmetics and toiletries
  • Old copper water pipes
  • Mercury exposure from broken thermometers and light bulbs

And heavy metals can even be passed down from the mother to her child in utero. If you suspect your child may need to detox some heavy metals from his system, I have good news.

I’ve recently learned of a tasteless spray called TRS which removes toxins with a positive charge includingΒ aluminum, mercury, arsenic, fluoride, barium, strontium, uranium, lead etc), herbicides and pesticides, mold and yeast toxins, carcinogens from smoke and haze, plastic residues, and radioactive material in the body.

Some families who use TRS see results very quickly and some see more results after using it for 6 months. TRS is safe for newborns, infants, and pregnant and nursing mothers because the toxins are completely encapsulated before being removed from the body.

If you want to learn more about TRS, leave a comment and I’ll send you an invite to a Facebook group which has thousands of testimonies from people who have been helped with Lymes, Candida, vaccine injuries, regressive autism, seizures, thyroid, drug detox, heavy metals detox, and prions, and more.Β 

I’m using it to help with low thyroid which has plagued me since I was pregnant with my oldest son. I’m really excited to get my thyroid tested again in a few months so see if I will have the same positive results that so many others have had.

Or you can order TRS yourself by going here.

Question: Have you tried any of the above suggestions? Were you able to see a difference in your son’s behavior? Please leave a comment below.

Did you know that boys have slightly different nutritional needs that girls? In this point, I talk about these differences. Click through to find out how you can feed your son's brain for optimal health. | nutrition | boy brain | nutritional needs | son's nutritional needs | boy mom|

160 thoughts on “Is Your Son’s Brain Starving? Solving Behavior Issues with Nutrition”

    1. Michelle Caskey

      You’re welcome. I glad this information has been helpful to you. I know that the first time I heard about this it was definitely eye opening to me as well. Take care and I’d love to hear back from you after you’ve implemented a few of the above strategies. πŸ™‚

    2. Way interesting! We used to give my 3 yr old fish oil but stopped because my mom read a study that fish oil supplements were related to prostate cancer….have you heard anything about that?

      1. Michelle Caskey

        I haven’t… but I do think it’s important to buy quality supplements so that you’re getting good ingredients.

      2. April, my family uses a very high quality Omega-3 supplement that tastes delicious and doesn’t have the possible side effects of fish oil. If you’d like I can send you info on it. We have noticed a huge difference since making it a “staple” in our home.

        1. I’d love this info also. I have 2 boys, my 7 yr. old has almost all of the symptoms and I’d like him to take a supplement as he is particular about his diet.

        2. I would love to know what this supplement is! My son has a very difficult time tolerating fish oil.
          Thank you!

        3. Hi Brianna,
          I’m actually thinking of the best supplement without side effects. I am glad when I read about the one your family uses.
          I will be very grateful if you can send me the name of the one you use.
          Thank you,

  1. Karena Kersten

    Is there anything just as beneficial as dairy and eggs? I have children who must be dairy- and egg-free. We are also gluten-free.

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Yes. Just be sure to choose from some options above which aren’t dairy or eggs such as flaxseed oil, raw nuts, deep water fish, etc. I hope that helps! πŸ™‚

    2. Karena,

      I don’t know your situation except from one comment, so I am willing to be wrong and just want to help. My wife and I are both dairy and gluten free, so we understand your struggle. We personally don’t miss dairy, and the benefits of dairy can be easily replaced with good alternative like cashew milk (nuts essentially). However, you said egg free. Mainly wanted to throw my two cents in as a former chicken owner and fellow gluten free person. If you children have gluten allergy, its probably not the eggs they are allergic to, its the wheat in the chicken feed. We got our chickens and couldn’t figure out why the eggs bothered my wife, then we switched to making our own gf chicken food, and instantly they were OK to eat. Same if kids have a soy allergy. Try finding a source of gf chicken eggs and I bet you can eat em.

      1. Andy – thank you for this information!! It NEVER occurred to me that wheat in the chicken feed could be the culprit in my son’s sensitivity to eggs. He is not celiac, but has a sensitivity that convinced me to try the gluten free diet. He does much better when his wheat/gluten intake is very low. Thanks again!

        1. i was egg sensitive for years- then i read somewhere that they spray the outer shells w/ an antibiotic before shipping to stores- guess what i can’t tolorate either – penicillin! just what they are using……i can eat our homegrown eggs btw πŸ™‚

      2. I agree 100%! My kids were allergic to eggs for 6 years. I was shocked to find they can tolerate eggs from my neighbors chickens – fed a diet free of GMO, wheat, and corn.

        1. Michelle Caskey

          That totally makes sense. I’m just realizing how harmful GMOs are to us… And have finally bitten the bullet to pay extra for organic and non-GMO for everything possible. Glad you were able to figure that out for your kids. Eggs are super healthy!

        2. i used ot be sensitive to store bought eggs- then heard they coat them w/ Penicillin- guess what i am allergic to! i do fine w/ our homegrown eggs πŸ™‚

    3. Look into A2 milk. Cows genetically produce either A1 or A2 protein in their milk. A1 tends to be the type that causes dairy sensitivities, where many people are able to consume A2 without any issues. Farmers are just starting to be able to test their cows to determine which genetics they have and breed for more A2 cows, but its early yet. This had been practiced longer in New Zealand. I’m hazy on details, but we’ve begun selecting A2 genetics for our own cows.
      Please research first, I’d hate to be misinforming you. I am not well versed yet.

  2. I am glad I came across this article. We have been dealing with atleast 95% of these issues that you stated with our 11 year old son. We’ve tried everything including him being on medication at this time. I am definitely going to introduce more of these items into his diet and hope for the best. Thank you

    1. Michelle Caskey

      That sounds wonderful, Phyllis. I hope the above tips will be helpful to you. Be sure to check out Dianne Craft’s website if you end up needing any further help. I know that her heart is to help as many kids as she can. πŸ™‚

    2. We had these problems too. I stir in a Tbsp organic unrefined coconut oil into my bowl of scrambled egg(s) & then cook it in real butter, sprinkle with celtic sea salt.
      Variations include other seasonings, garlic or salsa. (But always coconut oil & butter)
      We also take green pastures butter oil pills & cod liver oil pill every day.
      I add Tbsp coco.oil to sloppy joes (stir it in), meatloaf, spagh. Sauce etc.. very healing.

  3. This is a great article! I think it may be helpful for one of the boys I nanny. Unfortunately he is severely allergic to Dairy, Beef and Pork. How can I help overcome this?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      If you’re asking how to overcome his allergies, I really don’t know. I don’t have any expertise in that area. If you’re asking how you can help him in spite of his allergies, try using some of the other suggestions (such as nuts and flaxseed) to see if they will help him. I hope that answers your question!

    2. Benjamin Murphy

      For allergies you should to look into Braggs apple cider vinegar (100% organic). It helps clean out and regulate your thyroid glands and it is great for you body all the way.

    3. There is a healing modality called total body modification, and it’s typically chiropractors and massage therapists who perform it. It is a type of applied kinesiology and it helps to desensitize allergies as well as strengthen communication between organs to solve dysfunctions. Just google it and the tbm website will have a list of trained practitioners per state;)

  4. Hi! I liked the article. When using flaxseed or flaxseed oil: a carrier is needed, such as yogurt or cottage cheese, milk, etc…… smoothies are a great way to get that in, or a peanut butter milkshake…….

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Good point. Thanks for the tips! I also like grinding flax seed and mixing it with flour when I bake stuff. πŸ™‚

  5. I have a 13 yr old son with ADHD who exibits all of the above behaviors. He unfortunately is allergic to Omega 3 Fish oil due to a seafood allergy. Any suggestions to an alternative?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Dianne recommends Vitamin E and Primrose Oil as an alternative to the fish oil. Here are links for you if it helps:

  6. Ran across this tonight and it really has me thinking. My son and I were treated with a heavy dose of antibiotics when I was in labor, they said I tested positive for strep B. My son had sensitive hearing when he was born and suffered constantly with yeast rashes. He is now 3 and we have lots of little issues like hyperactivity, anger, etc. not over the top but enough that I would like to give this a try. Very curious.

    1. I recommend reading about the GAPS diet and healing his gut. It’s related the protocol on this page, but provides so much more info and a gut healing diet too.

  7. why would you reduce carbohydrates? especially in children! The brain functions on glucose and carbs are essential to that.

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Not eliminating carbs – just reducing carbs in the morning because they make kids sleepy… And some kids are carbaholics where that’s all they want to eat. Dianne recommends replacing some of the carbs with fats and proteins. There needs to be a balance of all three.

    2. Rachel

      The point is not to eliminate carbs (not like Paleo diet) but to replace them with whole grain carbs (and fruits etc) rather than simple carbs and eat them in moderation. The “plate” diet — no more than 1/4 grain carbs is a good plan. There are plenty of other carbs in fruit and vegetables. . As the mother of two now grown boys I will tell that that they tend to eat their weight in simple carbs every day if you are not careful. They are active and can burn the energy, but it comes at a cost nutritionally. Also, so much budget conscious advice for moms of boys says “fill them up on low cost rice/potatoes/break” — that I think we unwittingly contribute to their problem. They also get used to eating loads of the wrong kinds of carbs — the body begins to crave it. If I could get back about 8 years of my kids childhood I would feed them totally differently.

      The vit D and EFA /Omega 3 advice is so essential to ALL our children and ourselves in this day and age when we don’t get enough naturally in the food we eat. I can attest in myself that it does stabilize mood and increase concentration.

  8. Do you have any recommendations for a good protein powder? I’ve been attempting to research them, and seem to come across a lot of ones with extra added sugar.

      1. Here is a great and healthy protein powder to add. I have been grateful for years that this company maintains high standards, and now this organic raw plant-based protein powder is a wonderful addition to the products they carry. We are starting to use this for our whole family.

      2. Arbonne protein is vegan, soy free and gluten free. Made with no artificial colors, sweeteners and flavones and is sweetened with stevia and the root of the sugar cane. It taste great and won’t spike your blood sugar.

    1. I would recommend the Shapeway shake from Exfuze Life, LLC for sure. I have been using it with my kids for the past 2 years. I split a serving between both kids (now 10 & 8) with milk & breakfast. It has the protein, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins/minerals, NOTHING artificial and NON-GMO. For me it is a perfect meal replacement before/after workouts. It tastes like vanilla cake. Super yummy for the kids.

    2. Our family uses Attain and ProFlex protein powders. My 5 year old loves them. We buy them wholesale from the manufacturer. If you want more info, please let me know.

  9. Good son doesnt necessarily have the add or anything like that but he does sleep alot when we let him he has had some anger issues lately and gettin him to focus on school work is a nightmare.would this help him?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      You know what, it would certainly be worth a try. The above changes are healthy for all of us – so it would’t hurt anything… and hopefully it would help! I know that part of the difference we saw was less anger and anxiety… so I’m optimistic for you. πŸ™‚

      I’m not sure how old your son is – but if he’s approaching the tween or teen years, then the fact that he’s sleeping more is actually very normal. His body clock is shifting. I wrote a post about that which you might find helpful as well:

  10. Thank you for this. We have 4.7 yr old twin boys who were severely premature. Praise God they are relatively healthy however they both exhibit severe behavior challanges. Their eating habits are less then desirable any suggestions for smoothie recipes that would be tasty and beneficial?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Use whatever smoothie you would like and add ground flaxseed and/or Greek yogurt and/or protein powder. Super yummy and that helps you to hide some good fats and oils in there as well. πŸ™‚

    2. The last weeks of pregnancy are when most of the omega-3 fatty acids are passed to the child. Premature children often have omega-3 deficiency that often leads to behavioral challenges. Look for a fish oil with double as much EPA as DHA as EPA is the most important part with neurological / behavioral problems. We work a lot with omega-3 and ADHD, autism, depression and anxiety in Sweden –

  11. Would coconut or MCT oil work just as well? Our whole house has been taking 2T of MCT oil every morning (sometimes twice a day) for a few weeks and it has completely changed our lives. I have three diagnosed with neurological disorders. Everyone is completely symptom free!! My son has made a marked improvement in his athletics and said he had a mental shift when he upped the dose to 2x a day. He said everything has become clear. Could this be working the same way?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Although this isn’t one that Dianne recommended in her speech, coconut oil is AMAZINGLY healthy and I could definitely see it doing the same thing. I hadn’t heard of MCT oil before – but it sounds like it is definitely doing it for your son. It’s a good fat so yes, it would have the same impact on his brain. Great question! Thanks for bringing this up!

    2. Coconut oil can be helpful. There are a lot of studies right now on neurological degeneration and lauric acid (so coconut oil over mct). It is not a substitute for Omega-3/DHA/EPA and their role in the brain.

    3. I know it’s 2 years since you made this comment, but your comments really resonated with me! I have a bottle of MCT oil in my cupboard, but haven’t been using it. I do use coconut oil. In my household, we have Parkinson’s Disease-hubby, Adult ADD, depression and anxiety, and fibromyalgia- all me, severe child ADHD and suspected OCD in same child, Spina bifida with suspected ADD in a child, and a child (boy) who is bright, but easily distractible though tested as no ADD or ADHD issues. Obviously, I need all the help I can get! I’d love to know if you have continued this protocol, and what results are you seeing now, 2 years later? Also, what other advice you might be able to give me. An interesting note on my son with ADHD and possible OCD- he craves seafood! I try to make tuna or mackerel patties often, and he takes a daily fish oil supplement, as we all do. We follow the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan, which cuts out Sugar and bad carbs, encourages good carbs, proteins, good fats, and most of the other things that have been mentioned in this article. So our diet is very good. I just am searching for what more we can do. We are getting medical care for all our issues, and the ADD and ADHD is being medicated, but it just isn’t enough. Thank you for any input you can give me!

      1. Denaye, The GAPS diet (by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride) is natural treatment for ADD, ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Depression, Schizophrenia. See her book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”.

  12. I have enjoyed reading some of the comments. I am interested in what you would recommend for a boy that is borderline ADHD, but with anxiety/ anger issues? What type of diet? What essential oils do you recommend? Thank you!!

  13. RE: protein powder suitable for children

    Thorne Research Vegalite, comes in vanilla or chocolate
    Pea and rice protein, vegan, no soy, no sugar, I think it is also gluten-free

    My boys each have one scoop in their breakfast smoothie each day, along with almond or coconut milk, EFAs, baby spinach, banana, and frozen fruit of their choice. Mix it in a quality blender, such as Vitazmix or Blentec. We also use ss much organic as possible, to reduce our load of harmful chemicals.


  14. What about nutrition for girls brains are their any articles on them? I would like information on proteins and omega fatty acids for them since I have three girls and they Re different from boys so please email me any info to help with what their needs are and how to meet them all o have two teens and a kindergartener

    1. Michelle Caskey

      I’m sure there are articles about those things. As you can probably see from my blog name, girls aren’t the focus of my site… I would recommend you check out Dianne Craft’s website directly and see what you can find there. πŸ™‚

  15. Great job for bringing up the importance of omega-3 and the brain. I want to add that along with DHA, EPA is very important when talking brain health. One study on depression showed a positive effect with an EPA:DHA ratio of 2:1 and no effect with 1:1. They can be converted back and forth, but it is a very slow process. Those with neurological disorders often have very low EPA levels.

  16. This is SO hepful! I was wondering if these Omega 6 and Omega 3 suplements are available over the counter? If yes which one is the best one to use for an eight year old?
    Thanks for sharing this helpful information!

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Yes, they are available over the counter. There is an Amazon link to some which Dianne recommends in the blog post above… to recap, you can get them from these foods:

      Omega-6, which is found in raw nuts, seeds, legumes and unsaturated vegetable oils such as sesame.
      Omega-3, which is found in flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and deep-water fish.

      And there are lots of other suggestions in the comments above. I hope that helps! πŸ™‚

  17. Our 5 yr old daughter, trouble behaving ESP in school. We do natural foods, no dyes etc. multi vitamin. Some improvement. We finally found an omega supplement she liked. Boom! In 2 days a different child. Teacher commented, even the other teachers in the buildings! Sunday school teacher. It was like a light was switched on. Now we also add chia, flax seed to meatloaf, meatballs, muffins, etc. Barilla plus pasta has omega . She has now had 5 WEEKS at school of green days ( the highest behavior). Prior to this, 3 days in a row was the best, and some days we had to get her from school the behavior was so difficult. So it works in girls also!

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Thanks so much for letting us know about your experience! I’m glad they helped your daughter as well. So many health benefits for us all. I know I have started taking more of these myself and I like the results as well. πŸ™‚

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Yeah, that’s a tough one. You may want to try Dianne’s site to see if she has any thoughts. Could you attempt to add any of the other foods into their diets? Flaxseed oil, walnut oil, raw nuts, seeds, legumes and unsaturated vegetable oils such as sesame.

      My boys aren’t big on taking “medicine”, either… but maybe you could try making it into a contest? Whoever swallows their pill first gets some sort of reward? Even if it’s just bragging rights? That works for kids sometimes… Try to make it fun! πŸ™‚

      BTW – I take the fish oil capsules recommended in my post and there is NO TASTE whatsoever – and no burping. If there were, I wouldn’t take them, either!

      1. There are some omega 3 supplements for children — chewable gummy types – at our pharmacy (it is a small town pharmacy). We tried them and they were good. I’m sure they were made without using the ocean predator fish that people are concerned about and probably you can find one for folks sensitive to seafood.

    2. We struggled with this at first as well. My daughter has PANDAS/PANS and takes a fairly large dose of Omega3s every day. Since fish oils are the best we have stuck with them. She is too young to swallow pills and we started out trying to hide the oil in things but nothing worked. You can buy flavoured fish oil but it’s pretty disgusting (at least she thinks so). In the end what works for us is we simply cut open the capsules, squirt them in to her mouth and have a tasty drink at the ready to wash it down. I’m sure that won’t work for everyone but it’s been the solution that works for us.

      1. Michelle Caskey

        Oh, wow. Do you take it straight or add it to things? I didn’t realize you could get liquid fish oil and have it not taste fishy! Thanks for the tip. πŸ™‚

    3. Cod liver oil comes in lemon flavor and really doesn’t taste so badly. I take a spoonful in the morning and the kids want it because I’m having it.

  18. for those with dairy/egg/gluten issues – what we’ve done (based on our naturopath’s recommendation) is to use good quality fats (ie cococut oil, bacon fat, avocado oil etc) to roast veggies for breakfast., especially root veggies and potatoes… plus carrots, parsnips, leeks. i often include loose sausage or small pieces of bacon, kids have become accustomed to including veggies in their morning meal and now lick it up. beauty of it, too, is you can make enough to reheat in a frying pan some a few days later, to make it less time consuming.

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Thanks, Jackie. That sounds wonderful! I appreciate you taking the time to leave that great advice. πŸ™‚

  19. What this article doesn’t point out is that we need at least 3x as much omega 3 as omega 6 because most foods have plenty of omega 6s and so we tend to get too many of those. Omega 6s are inflammatory and omega 3s are anti-inflammatory. The only way get this ratio of omega 3s is to eliminate vegetable oils, limit most nuts, and/or add just a little hemp seed, flaxseed and chia seed to our diets.

  20. I was wonderful if there was a recommended time window to give the increase in fatty acids before determining if it was working or not. Obviously a day or a week isn’t enough. 3 months? 6?

  21. Hello. I was wondering what “raw nuts” are? I am going to try this with my son as he was diagnosed with ADHD and Tourette Syndrome and a possibility of Autism (which we are in the process of testing) would peanuts or cashews be considered a raw nut? I guess I’m out of my element of asking these so sorry for the question.

  22. What a reaffirming article, thank you! I will definitely be looking into the CD set. Our family has been working with our 5 YO since he started school this past September. We have been attending play therapy since February, with some benefit but nothing compared to the progress we started seeing a month ago. A month ago my SO and I came accross an article about how DHA and other fatty fish oils could be the key to naturally calming your ADHD child. Well we took a shot at it and purchased an OMEGA and Brain fusion combo and the results are astonishing! I can’t believe the ability my son has found in himself to control himself and stay focused. RITALIN absolutely was discussed and we refused to even entertain the idea and I am so glad we did. He is a healthier and happier little boy and I love that there are no ups and downs. We have had a few bad days, but those were following late nights and schedule changes, things that are well within the normal range.

    To summarize, I totally believe this change in my son has everything to do with the new vitamins and will be looking into the dietary changes. Finally, just a comment for parents who are struggling with the same situation, trust your instinct. YOU are your children’s best advocate, don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to do something you know isn’t right for your family.

  23. My son won’t eat nuts he likes peanut butter, and he’s Not high on fish. Do you have any suggestions on how to get him to like either

    1. Michelle Caskey

      If he loves peanut butter let him eat peanut butter. Even better would be if you make the peanut butter at home so that it doesn’t have added sugar. Simply throw peanuts in your food processor and blend. I do add some butter to make it even creamier. Delicious!

  24. Michelle!! Thank you for this wonderful post!:)…. My question is, does this apply to adult men as well? How much of these fats should a grown man be taking compared to a little toddler boy? Thanks so much! Blessings!

    1. Michelle Caskey

      These items are healthy for all of us – including adults. Our brains aren’t developing anymore… but we will still see benefits from taking these things. Follow the directions on the bottles for recommended amounts. πŸ™‚

      If you have any further questions, check out Dianne Craft’s website.

  25. Roxie Sheppard

    I haven’t had time to read the whole article yet, or the comments, but I’m curious if anyone knows if this only will work while the boys are young, or if this can help adult males as well? My sons are 24, 28 and 32; am particularly concerned about the middle son as he had a lot of allergies growing up, and we unknowingly substituted Rice and/or Soy milk for regular milk. We switched to Almond milk many years later, but I wish I’d had this information when my sons were growing. Is it too late to try to compensate for the lack of protein and fat for our middle son especially?

  26. I’ve done a lot of research on health & nutrition issues and have to agree that all of us, our kids included, are NOT getting all the nutrients our bodies need on a daily basis. EFAs are an important part of that. I’d also recommend that you look into getting vitamins, amino acids and ALL the minerals that our diets are lacking because of our depleted soils. However, make sure you are getting products that are bio-available, as typically only 8-12% of most nutritional supplements are actually absorbed by your body! When you do that you will give your body everything it needs to thrive!

    Wellness Coach at

  27. Just curious as to a dosage amount of the omega 3-6-9 supplements for a 7 1/2 year old boy. He exhibits several of those symptoms (especially the anger, hyperactivity, sleep problems, thirst, and dry skin).

    1. Michelle Caskey

      I don’t feel comfortable giving our dosage amounts since I’m not the nutritionist. That would be a great question for Dianne Craft, though. She answers lots of those things on her website and with her materials:

  28. I know this to be true! We’ve noticed a marked improvement in our 11 year old son’s attitude, temperament and ability to focus during school (we homeschool). We started him on Super EFA Liquid – a fatty acid supplement. We could tell the difference when we ran out of the supplement!

  29. I am a mom of three, two boys with a sister in the middle. I would really like to try some of these suggestions for my boys but obviously they aren’t the best for my little girl.And naturally I want to give them all the best possible, even myself (I mean let’s face it, if I could get the three of them to argue just a bit less I would be happy) Is there anything I could try that would benefit all three of them equally?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Dianne recommends these things for boys and girls alike. Your sons may require them more… but they are also healthy for your daughter – and for you and your husband as well! πŸ™‚

  30. I agree with almost everything but take exception to adding mayonnaise unless it’s home made. Use REAL everything INCLUDING real OILS. No Canola, Safflower, etc. These “healthy” oils are far from being good for us. Only Olive, Avocado and Coconut. Making my own mayo helps me know exactly what’s going in my body (and my children’s bodies). It’s easy and could satisfy a school lesson!

  31. Yes! My son has been diagnosed with ADHD and has been on Ritalin. About a year ago we went gluten free and dramatically increased good fats. Only a mere two weeks after the change in diet, his teacher approached me and told me that he has seen a remarkable difference in Michael’s concentration. I have since weaned him off Ritalin and he is the most amazing, caring, loving, immensely creative child we have “missed” while he was on medication. We will not look back. The changes are so worth it!

  32. Gail Hennessee

    What if your son has a genesis of the corpus collosum, and is not hyper but tired all the time? Trouble concentrating and remembering, and will only eat certain foods? He lives on salad, cheese, and croutons????

  33. Richard Randall

    This is a very interesting article and contains very helpful information. Thank you for producing it.

    I encourage you to avoid use of “different than” and, instead, to use the correct English construct “different from.” This is an all-too-common error these days (still incorrect no matter how many times it is repeated), both in broadcast media (which is a pretty low benchmark for correct speach) and in general conversation. “Most of us are aware that boys are different than girls”” should be changed to “Most of us are aware that boys are different from girls.” “Boys may be more difficult than girls to potty train” is an example of how “than” should be used. An English teacher at a reputable college could provide more examples and a formal explanation. This topic is a good one to include in home schooling.

    Thanks again for a very worthwhile article.

  34. We learned this about 15 years ago and changed our way of feeding the family. At breakfast, we have eggs, bacon or sausage, a piece of raisen toast with butter and a glass of apple juice or 2% milk. A pediatrician told us that children require 10-12 hours sleep per night, so we always tried for 10.5 hours. These things work. We had well behaved children and got lots of compliments on their behavior. Our oldest son graduated 4th in his high school class and our 2nd son is #1 in his class. Our daughter is the youngest and is currently in the top 10%, and is a very gifted artist and musician. The amount of sleep is tougher to get in high school and we definitely have noticed differences. We use the natural peanut butter (our son loves it). As I say, stick with God’s foods and you can’t go wrong.

  35. I would love to try this with my 14 yr old son. He has many of these symptoms and at this time is on medication. He prefers mostly processed foods and not much variety. so will slowly make change. He loves peanut butter and shakes so am thinking a peanut butter protein shake would be a great start. for the protein powder do you recommend a low sugar whey protein? and for the omega 3 and 6. Can I just buy this at local drug store and follow the dosage or does it need to be ordered online with something special to look for?

    1. Michelle Caskey

      As far as I’m aware, Dianne doesn’t have any specific protein powders that she recommends. You could certainly ask her that question if you’re interested. Otherwise, it sounds like you have a good strategy in mind… looking for something low sugar for sure. If you can find something rich in Omega’s then that would be an excellent choice. πŸ™‚

  36. We get our protein powder from Whole Foods (their 365 whey protein) and from HEB (Central Market whey protein). Both are sweetened with Stevia and don’t appear to have any artificial sweeteners added (at least by my limited knowledge). We like them because they actually taste good and mix easily into any liquid. The one at Whole Foods is cheaper but we think the one at HEB tastes the best. We have only tried the vanilla flavors of each.

    God Bless,

    1. Michelle Caskey

      I don’t have the answer to that question, Tammy. You could certainly try it and see. That is certainly something I would research if I were you. You may also want to ask Dianne Craft if she knows.

  37. Update: after almost three months where my boys have been introduced to mackerel on toast and sardine sandwiches and more salmon (and didn’t they just wolf down the mackerel without any fuss and actively relished it and now say “yey” when I tell them it’s for lunch!), I can really say that I think their behaviour has improved and, although my five year old is still dramatic and has tantrums, they seem fewer and less intense and shorter in duration! Happy days πŸ™‚ Thank you!

  38. This is all great advise but what if your child is a picks eater. He doesn’t want to eat any meat other chicken strips (sometimes),. All he wants is milk, waffles, pancakes, fruits and some nuts.
    Yes, I believe that’s the extent of his diet and not it’s not because of a lack of introduction.

    1. Michelle Caskey

      That’s why Dianne recommends various supplements versus getting the nutrients from food. I’ve got a picky eater as well so I know how you feel!

  39. I have just started my 9 yo son on Vayarin, a prescription Omega 3 EFA. It’s a medical food that I’d in capsule form. The reviews are awesome and I can’t wait until he starts school to see if there is a difference. He struggles with reading and writing. Vayarin is relatively new, as his Dr had never heard of it but offered to review info I sent him. He was happy to prescribe it, so we shall see!

    1. Michelle Caskey

      Wow, Michele, thanks for leaving a comment. I hadn’t heard of Vayarin before… but from their website, it sounds like they talk about the same benefits of fat to the brain as does Dianne Craft. Here’s a link if anyone is interested: I wonder how much DHA it contains compared to the Nature’s Way EfaGold MEGA-DHA that Dianne recommends???

  40. I don’t think this advice should be illustrated in such a way that it advertises this nutrition as something essential to boys alone. Girls can and do have these problems. And certainly we all, as humans need this nutrition.

    1. Michelle Caskey

      My main audience is for parents of boys… But if you read this full post, you’ll see why this is even more essential for boys than for girls. Of course, nutrition is important for all of us. But fats are even more essential for boys’ brains.

    2. Our super stressed adopted daughter also needed this protocol- it was highly recommended for adopted kiddos . …maybe only needed short term but it was good for all πŸ™‚

  41. I’m so happy to have read this article. It makes total & complete sense. We all need our 43 essential nutrients daily in order to properly function. You must check out Yevo!

    Yevo is a brand new essential nutrients company delivered through food. My boys love eating it. Email me and I can tell you more [email protected]
    You can also look at Here’s is a great video on Yevo as well where our chief food scientist is speaking about the impact of essential nutrients and the brain.

  42. I have one son who has a disorder called IGA nephropathy. This means that he can’t process a specific protein, and when he has too much, it damages his kidneys.
    What do you do for a child that must limit his protein? Is just adding a fish oil supplement enough?

    1. Protein is so important! If he can’t eat one specific protein, then I would research other sources of protein and make sure you’re adding those into his diet whenever possible. I know that Chia seeds, quinoa, spirulina, flax seeds, lentils, black beans, amaranth, green peas, artichokes, hemp seeds, oatmeal, spinach, and broccoli, to name a few, are great sources of protein and many other nutrients. See which ones don’t have the protein your son needs to stay away from incorporate as many of those as you can. I love making smoothies with chia seeds, spirulina, flax seeds, spinach, etc and you can’t even taste them.

  43. This is a great article! Thanks Michelle! We have 2 boys and 4 girls and we eat a LOT of butter. I cook with it everyday, plus they put a thick slab of it on their organic, sprouted wheat toast. We also give our children a plant based complete Omega supplement every night. We’ve noticed that they sleep much better since on this suppkement. It’s a soft gel capsule and they chew it like candy!

  44. I was wonderful if there was a recommended time window to give the increase in fatty acids before determining if it was working or not. thanks for sharing this amazing article.

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